Well bascially this is what happened... Everyone was telling me about their own blogs so i said what the hell.. Now i have my own blog... End Of Story!



Hey Peeps,

It's been a long and frustrating week and yet again your favourite superhero comes up trumps!I've been away from home most of the time this week basically living as if i were boarding there.

The following picture was taken one of the nights out with my friends. A true moment of inspiration i say!

Oh if you saw my google post (see below), the other discovery i made is that my blog is the 3rd item on the search list.So the new goal is to get it up to numero uno. So my loyal peeps do whatever it is you do and make it happen for me!

Your friendly neighbourhood spiderman,


1 comment:

ZK said...

bwahahahaha you live in a dream world sweety :D