Well bascially this is what happened... Everyone was telling me about their own blogs so i said what the hell.. Now i have my own blog... End Of Story!



Well i must say its been a while since i've found myself so addicted to one album but if you ever get a chance give Chirs Daughtry's self titled debut album a listen to... trust me you'll soon be diagnosed with OCD (Obsessed with Chris Daughtry) aswell!!! This American Idol 5 finalist has impressed on this 12 track debut album and looks set to rule the rock charts around the world.

Dude's Attitude's Unbelievalbe & This Guy's Here To Rock You!!!

Nuff sed :)


qdee said...

yay!! he totally rox :)

JoE said...

Yeah... i dnt listen 2 nEtin else thse days lol!

ZK said...

lol i got you addicted woooohooooo

JoE said...

No u didn... :P but fank u nEways

My dartboard said...

Yata, at least I am not the only charou with this on the Mp3 list. Are we the black sheep of our communities?

JoE said...

Hahaha.... i dont tink so... dey awl closet fans?

r said...

i want the album! Only heard Home n Its Not Over..

JoE said...

Its well worth it hun... giv it a listen 2at 1f da music stores. PS: i got da lyrics 2 'used to' on my main page... hoT!!